I have raced myself to complete the 10km women's standard chartered run.
It's my first attempt and i am quite satisfied myself.
5.30am- wow! woke up with excitement. did a bit of dilly dally stuff and was too excited to talk
6.10am- hopped onto bus 133 and me and my sister was on the way to meet yihui and belinda at city hall mrt
6.40am- once we alighted at the bus stop. many look-alikes were found. all dressed up in the classic marathon tops. like one big family. hah!
6.45am- meet yihui and belinda. kindly put on our tags, adjust our timer at the shoe-laces. was told that if we lost it, got to paid like $50? crazy man!
7.00-7.20- was going round and round for the baggage deposit are