it was only6am in the morning when i saw a box of my favorite muffins in front of me. i am so excited despite that i am so tired. i went back to slp but in my mind, i cant wait till the time that wake up and indulge in my choco.chip muffin.
i was so tempt to eat before going out. but no, i shall eat it the moment i reach the office acc. with my favourite coffee flavour milk from meiji. i had it everyday in the morning. LOL i know i am kinda boring but i try something different on the weekend.
i was so tempt to eat before going out. but no, i shall eat it the moment i reach the office acc. with my favourite coffee flavour milk from meiji. i had it everyday in the morning. LOL i know i am kinda boring but i try something different on the weekend.
there i also got my haruki murakami- i have pause in the middle for like months? but i can still remem. the details.
*thanks evil sister for getting me the muffin. actually i was craving for it yesterday al.
in just a few minutes, i had finish my breakie. i guess i got to control my diet a bit.
yesterday i had this huge plate of char siew & sausage rice and i somehow(magic power), i polish it off. even thou i went to the gym, but i must be more discipline. and today if yihui can make it, i will run and do combat again.
rachel @homeless concept