whenever i have certain inspirations or crave for drawing, i have them done up on the classic brown paper bags. till now, i only have 5pcs. the one in the centre- "tears crying". i love it, even thou some ppl dun. i got weird taste lah. Remember i also did something like that for Tjio- on a canvas bag. I got everything sew on it. With nice beads, colourful threads and black markers. "Multi-medium!" that was 2005's xmas pressie. Still i am thinking when can i get my hands lay on my next project for these arty-farty stuff.
*when my boss is not around. . .
1. i feel kinda lost. its not hard thou, its only getting use to it and being more discipline.
2. stress when i got speak to HK on the window execution. after a while, actually its nothing.
"i am so girl"
3. finalizing ideas with agencies. good to learn
4. set up a window- women's concept. I am not satisfied. even thou ppl kept coming in to try on the pdts.
5. LBNL, i cant believe that i am so k-po. i kept exploring blogs. Well, just to check whether i can learn from other ppl and whats new and interesting or something i have not heard/seen before.
my career is at stake.
sometimes, it's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be!
rachel @homelessconcept
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