So, I took my Monday off and head for some 'my' moments.
Even though the morning was cooling and gloomy,
i decide to get out of bed and head for my plans.
BC in the morning at Paragon and head for some 'work from town' affair at Pique* Nique.
Been here thrice and still loving it.
Some people watching and was seriously addicted to their home made salted caramel sauce. Order the Amercian breakfast this time to kill my hunger pangs after the work out.
Awesome! and shameless-ly ask for the sauce(which does not comes with the toast)
from the staff. Glad i got it at not extra cost!
What a day!
Ended my report and now going for some market hunting.
Newbies and happening scenes in town.
Next up, gym with khakis at AMK and gonna end my fab monday with dinner and hoepfully booze.
How's your monday like?