the last of chinese new year.
time to hard work, play hard, travel hard, party hard....(for the whole of 2008)
recently, im perpetually suffering from this 'brain-dead' mode.
i am in my comfort-zone for too long that i need to get out from.
so i am currently trying so hard to get myself, i mean my brain to 'restart' and load everything to my 'harddisk' again.
i remember how i use to read design issues and digest them quickly. but nowadays like so 'dial-up' internet. damn slow... its taking ages.
i remember how i can have 100% accurate memory and 'search' for my 'files' with a snap.
am i getting old? shit, it shouldnt be happening so early.
anyways, i am going to retrieve everything back, including my creative juices.
some update on the food i had during CNY.

chicken wings. mmm.. i love

the lucky plate of veggies

the shabu shabu prawn
& last but not least:

angpows galore!
rachel @ homelessconcept