i took a walk today alone, to Esplanade.
Somehow, i discovered that very often human tend to overlook/neglect the surroundings around us. We only think about what are we going to do the next weekend, which new place to check out, gossiping, taking a lot of things for granted....etc. YES!
I start to look at the things around me. how many people around the world can actually step into this building and experience the whole atmosphere. Yes, to 99% of us, it's like 'What's there to see? How arty can it be? Looks ordinary what!" But, today somehow i felt im one of the lucky soul. I step into the library, did a few round of checks, saw some studious people, look at some old movie VCD covers (they do rent out VCDs, thou), step into some galleries and just silently looking at people's behaviour and expressions. At least it's a quiet place to sit down and look at the ceilings, watch kids play and looking at people.
I am not sure if i am being rude, but to me, looking at people is therapuetic. lol
Next time, i shall explore other places for my weird hobby.
rachel at the verge of discovering for amazing things @ homelessconcept