nope, there wont be any photos of my lil room.
I am just contented that i got myself two muji translucent boxes for storage. (viv got to drag them to the train and out after 3 misses)
Awesome i must say. The thing is i never get sick of MUJI items. Neat and clean and very home-friendly. *thumbs up
Next, i am very happy with my purchases online as well!! Most of them are from BC and girly frocks and dresses make me a happier person.
I also did manage to throw away all my junk and old clothes to make space for new ones.
I realised that i need to make myself happier by doing all the things i like and willing to do. So that's what im adding to my resolution:
On the next happier note, Sharmais- one of my closest friend in sec is getting married. Getting really excited for her. shall post photos if i have the time.
Since Jan is almost over, i am getting all ready for FEB:
1. S10 Product Training
2. Nafa Girls- Pre CNY Steamboat at M hotel
3. Ek -Yelehaiti window change+VM conference
4. Pre CNY dinner with girl+family
5. Sharmais wedding
6. VM training
7. CNY- all relatives travelling so no need to go visiting. yeah!!!
8. V-DAY- hmmmm, this one is tricky.
I realised ever since i join Timberland, my life has a lot of ups and downs.
And now going through a tedious process, thinking of giving my body a rest before moving on.
Last but not least, I will promise to post more photos here so that life wont be so boring.
* include daily outfits if i can.
* loves and kisses
rachel @ homelessconcept