Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sales Event Aftermath

Last week, i burned calories at the Singapore Expo Sale for Timberland.
It was a 3 day event and i happily went to sign up for all 3 days.
Thanks goodess the welfare was good. Got 4 days time-off for that.
The sale event was fun and nevertheless, experiencing.
Some funny questions, do hit me when i was selling footwear:

C- customer, M-me, myself.

C- “Hi, can i try this pair on my size?”
M- (thinking to myself, ‘ya, and your size is?” like i know your size like that)
“Oh, can i get your size mdm?”
C- “Hm, what size is this?”
M- “7, mdm”
C- “Oh, let me try size 7 then.”
M- “ya, this is size 7, you wanna give it a try. If it fits, i get you a new pair?”


C- (looking at a pair of shoe)
M- “Hi, you wanna give it a try, its the last pair already.”
C- “Oh, do you another color?”
M- “hm, no last pair already, no other colors”
C- “Hm, do you have size 6.5”
M- “Hm, this is the last pair already and its 6.5. Can give it a try.”
C- (fits well and happy and contented)
“ alright, i’ll take this.. try on another side”
M- “Can, let me pack it up for you, thanks!”
C- “Do you have a new pair?”
M- “...............” “THIS IS THE LAST PAIR ALREADY” (saying it nicely to the customer

(people, define, last PAIR!)

and customers can actually ask me, do you know what size my son wears?
like i know your son like that lor!! You think what size he wears huh?
I think? Why not you think for your son? (duh!!)

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