10 hours of staring at my 24” Imac is scary.
I’m getting blurry vision, up-tight migraine, losing appetite, anti-fatigue. . .
Even getting a nap wont help as much.
Yesterday i was at my emo-ness. Fought for my employee pass because i
feel so not acessable when i dun have it when im seeing a doc.
It’s such a basic thing. And today came another mail where employees need to produce
their pass if they are going to the zoo for free entry.
Hah! another good reason to have it.
(im glad) Im such a cry baby. . .
Oh, September was blast month.
Vian’s wedding was a big success, not to mention the video that we did.
Sisters were really anticipating for the event.
And now that Sep is over. I had a little time to catch up some rest.
While attending to my endless work schedules, i’m planning for a upcoming BBQ with
fab food and also a deserve holiday if possible.
As im getting old, i would not let my brain to get into the comfort zone.
I would wreck through the inner password for bigger brain storage.
In order to accomodate for upcoming memories, learning resources and first time events.

City Escape Window
Love life..
rachel @ homelessconcept
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