Thursday, February 3, 2011

my resolutions till date2010

I vet through my last year post on resolutions:
shed some weight, baking, run 10km again, design something, blah blah...

Of course i din manage to conplete a lot.
So this year im still contemplating to make some. Maybe let's not call it resolutions.
Wishlists maybe:

1. Run 10km scm again.
this one is super duper easy lah.

2. Go for rock-climbing.
this one also easy but time is the issue.

3. Save and ready for JP trip in 2012/13?
sounds like saving for millions but still need to enjoy the trip with ease.

4. More short trips. Explore new places.
bintan, boutique hotels, hidden cafes, blog more

5. Take a course.
yep, been saying this for this donkey years.. but workload does not grant me this at all.
so afraid that i cant cope.

That's all folks. Happy 2011 and promise a blog post every month.
Ciao* Merci

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